
Showing posts from January, 2019

What I Learned About managing Money

In the Financial Literacy class we took, we learned many things about "how to manage money" We go over a lot of definitions concerning real world scenarios. We go over pay stubs and how to read them, we went over bank accounts and how to manage your money efficiently with a budget. We even did an online stimulus which we got our own income and we had bills to pay like what we will do in just a few years. Without this many people feel overwhelmed when you first get to college and reality hits you and some people would say. With the knowledge and definitions we discussed, I think we all feel more prepared.                                                    


In the everfi insurance module, we discussed a lot of things concerning sales tax. As well as that sales tax are not included on your pay stub. Taxes at the federal, local and state are all different. Starting a new job you must fill out a W-4 form and that young, inexperienced drivers have the most high package for auto insurance.